Thursday 10 March 2016

Handing over the Sash and Badge

As I wrote before to tell that I was made the head boy of my school i.e. Sacred Heart Convent School Ludhiana. Now my 1 year tenure has come to an end and I have given my responsibilities to the next Leader. On 22 January I formally gave over my duties. We had a Valedictory and farewell  ceremony. In this ceremony I the Leader ( head boy ) gave the sash to the new leader. The new leader took the oath and there was a function organized for our and the outgoing class's farewell. I had a great year and was sad that I had to give away my duties. But it is rightly said that every good thing comes to an end. This was what happened. But still I am happy that now I will be starting something new by going to a new grade which I suppose will bring new opportunities and better things to make good memories. 

Sunday 25 October 2015

Flower Seed Plantation Drive

Today I participated in

Flower Seed Plantation Drive. I motivated my friends to join me for the same. I lead the young participant's campaign. We created awareness among residents to plant flowers in vacant land in neighborhood. We along with organizers planted flower seeds along bank of Sidhwan canal which flows just across my home.It was fun and inspiring. Looking forward to flowers bloom in month of February.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Clean Sidhwan Campaign

"Clean Water Bodies" Campaign was launched today by NGOs of Ludhiana to create awareness in citizens of Ludhiana towards pollution caused by Immersing of Lord Ganesha's Idols on Ganesh Chaturthi festival which is on Spetember 17. I was part of this campaign to educate people not use idols made of POP and synthetic paints. I contributed towards spread of awareness to STOP WATER POLLUTION in light of forthcoming festival season. God never wants us to pollute his natural resources with man made chemicals. So Let's all protect our surroundings.

Sunday 19 July 2015

Tree Plantation Drive

Sambhav an NGO started the tree plantation drive to plant 1 crore trees in one hour. with an appeal for each one to plant 5 trees. It is researched that it requires around 17 trees to neutralize one cars pollutants in a year. I contributed to the noble cause by planting 6 trees and 2 shrubs in my neighborhood. Out of which I planted 2 trees of winter flowering Croatia, and one each  of  golcheen   (as called in native language ), Amaltas, Gulmohar and silver oak. Two shrubs - queen of night and Arabian Jasmine. I also pledge to look after the trees I have planted till they are independently sustainable in nature. This is my own humble way to connect to Mother Earth.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Leaders orientation

Yesterday ie 25th April 2015 I attended an orientation and workshop related to leadership. All my fellow cabinet members and the cabinet members of high school (class10 and 12) were also there. Only the top 60 students were given the opportunity to attend this workshop. It was held in my school premisis itself. The organizer was Mrs. Gulneet Chahal(CERTIFIED COACH  , INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF COACHINNG AND NPL . THE ATTITUDE LOUNGE ,FOUNDER AND MOTIVATIONAL CONSULTANT . ROUTE TO EXCELLENCE, LEAD TRAINER , INDIA ) The theme was a battle in which we were divided into 2 groups  Romans and Greeks I was in the Roman team. Each team comprised of 30 students. We had to strategise how to fight. Our group planned to take down the enemy in pairs two on one. In the end each team was given a list of tags. We had to decide who got which tag according to our capabilities and role in the entire  activity. There were about eight tags per team. I was given the tag of ' FOCUSSED 'as I did my part with great devotion and dedication. We were shown a few more presentation to enhance our leadership qualities and inculcate team spirit in us. The entire orientation taught me to be a good leader.  After the session ended Gulneet Ma'am called me ' A BUNDLE OF POSITIVE ENERGY'. 

Sunday 26 April 2015

Valedictory ceremony

on 29th January 2015 it was announced in sacred heart convent school that I TANAV SINGH BAJAJ will be the Leader ( head boy ) of the session 2015-16.  On 30th January 2015 was my valedictory and oath taking ceremony. I received my badge and took over all the responsibilities as a Leader. It was one of the best days of my life. My motto from then was ' WITH POWER COMES RESPONSIBILITY '. I became more responsible from then onwards.

Sidhwan Carnival

Sidhwan Canal is the irrigation canal that flows just opposite my residence. People are throwing lots of pollutants in it. About two months back "Clean Sidhwan" campaign started. I participated in it. This lead to the formation of "Let's clean Sidhwan Foundation ".
Yesterday on 22nd March 2015, On occasion of "World Water Day", Sidhwan Carnival was organised. I assisted the participants of the art competition.
The Group of Harley Davidson Bikers & Ludhiana Peddlers had come on organisers request to support the cause.
I delivered a motivational speech to motivate all citizens to Save Sidhwan and provide clean water resources for future generations.
Dignitaries like Mayor and local MLA's were present on this occasion.