Saturday 2 May 2015

Leaders orientation

Yesterday ie 25th April 2015 I attended an orientation and workshop related to leadership. All my fellow cabinet members and the cabinet members of high school (class10 and 12) were also there. Only the top 60 students were given the opportunity to attend this workshop. It was held in my school premisis itself. The organizer was Mrs. Gulneet Chahal(CERTIFIED COACH  , INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF COACHINNG AND NPL . THE ATTITUDE LOUNGE ,FOUNDER AND MOTIVATIONAL CONSULTANT . ROUTE TO EXCELLENCE, LEAD TRAINER , INDIA ) The theme was a battle in which we were divided into 2 groups  Romans and Greeks I was in the Roman team. Each team comprised of 30 students. We had to strategise how to fight. Our group planned to take down the enemy in pairs two on one. In the end each team was given a list of tags. We had to decide who got which tag according to our capabilities and role in the entire  activity. There were about eight tags per team. I was given the tag of ' FOCUSSED 'as I did my part with great devotion and dedication. We were shown a few more presentation to enhance our leadership qualities and inculcate team spirit in us. The entire orientation taught me to be a good leader.  After the session ended Gulneet Ma'am called me ' A BUNDLE OF POSITIVE ENERGY'.