Thursday 10 March 2016

Handing over the Sash and Badge

As I wrote before to tell that I was made the head boy of my school i.e. Sacred Heart Convent School Ludhiana. Now my 1 year tenure has come to an end and I have given my responsibilities to the next Leader. On 22 January I formally gave over my duties. We had a Valedictory and farewell  ceremony. In this ceremony I the Leader ( head boy ) gave the sash to the new leader. The new leader took the oath and there was a function organized for our and the outgoing class's farewell. I had a great year and was sad that I had to give away my duties. But it is rightly said that every good thing comes to an end. This was what happened. But still I am happy that now I will be starting something new by going to a new grade which I suppose will bring new opportunities and better things to make good memories.